The most pawesome book to ever be written about The Paw of Attraction, dogs and doga! Dog yoga and your doga course will get you and your dogi into the best vibrational alignment every day.
Is that dogs are our teachers and we have so much to learn from them. By sharing yoga teacher in many different ways, the canine and the human blend into one.
Suzi started Ruff Yoga, dog yoga or doga, in New York City right after 9/11. She had just started teaching yoga in The Hotel Gym in The Twin Towers before they fell. Suzi felt there was no time like that time to finally have her own dog. She had diverted disaster, but a lotus flower of the class Ruff Yoga, bloomed out of that ground zero. Classes were originally call Ruff Yoga and eventually when Suzi moved on from Crunch Fitness, the name Doga began.
After over 20 years of dogaing with her dogs and others all around the world, Suzi published the book The Paw of Attraction. This is the secret the dogs know and are ready to share with those who are ready too. There is also the 30 Day Doga Course with Suzi directly. Get to study with Suzi and her dogs and create a home sequence and one for teaching. The 30 day course comes with the book and the Doga 101 written manual.
We need our dogs, and doga, more than ever
The Premier Episode of The Marie Osmond Show
Coali, my soulmate's, last dog yoga show with Hoda and Kathie Lee teaching doga yoga and doga to the world.
Inspire your dog. Inspire your community. Immerse yourself in the history and knowledge of DOGA that has come before you. No person or dog is too old to gain the skill to bring DOGA to the world. We need more teachers. When you spread the power of DOGA you make a powerful difference in people and dog's lives.
Suzi Is taking only 10 new students for the 30 Day Doga. Once it is full the course will be closed. There are currently a few spots left!